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Why Untreated Sleep Apnea Could Cause You to Get Sick

May 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stopsnoringlawton @ 1:09 pm

Woman lying in bed at night with hand over faceEveryone knows that if you want to stay at the pinnacle of health, you need to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night. But sometimes, you might find yourself waking up feeling exhausted every morning regardless of how much rest you think you got. This could mean that you have sleep apnea in Lawton, a disorder that can have a dramatic impact on your health – and in the midst of the current pandemic, it could even increase your vulnerability to COVID-19. Keep reading to learn exactly what sleep apnea does to your body and what it means for your body’s ability to fight off disease.


Why Firefighters Need to Stay Away from CPAP for Now

April 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stopsnoringlawton @ 1:22 pm

CPAP machine and mask on a gray tableIf you’re a firefighter, at some point you may find yourself feeling constantly exhausted and burned out during the day. There’s a good chance you’re simply not getting enough rest; nearly a third of firefighters are currently suffering from sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. People with such a condition often receive a CPAP machine to help them breathe more easily at night. Unfortunately, with the current COVID-19 crisis, this device might end up posing a significant health risk to your friends and colleagues at the station. Read on to learn why firefighters are being told to stop using CPAP – as well as why many have switched to an oral sleep appliance in Lawton instead.


Can Vaping Make the Typical Sleep Apnea Symptoms Worse?

March 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stopsnoringlawton @ 10:46 pm

woman struggling yawning suffering from sleep apnea in LawtonIn the early part of the new millennium, a campaign against smoking traditional cigarettes began. Some 20 years later, using e-cigarettes (referred to as vaping) has become a quite popular alternative. Data collected by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) show that 8 million Americans currently vape, which has contributed to a sharp decline in cigarette smoking. While vaping may seem to be a safer alternative to the old-fashioned way of burning tobacco, studies show that the chemicals it releases could still contribute to health issues. Furthermore, it can interrupt your rest at night and magnify the symptoms of sleep apnea in Lawton. Learn more about the connection as you continue reading.


How a Sleep Apnea Test Could Save a Truck Driver’s Life

February 26, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stopsnoringlawton @ 2:05 am

female truck driver suffering from sleep apnea in lawtonAs a truck driver, you play an integral part in keeping America running. By moving freight across the highways, you ensure that the vital goods needed to maintain everyday life are available. However, the hours and days can be long, which can make truck driving a difficult job. Although the government has set limits for how long you can drive each day, there is another possible threat to your wellness, and even other drivers: sleep apnea in Lawton. If you feel tired and sluggish after having a full night of sleep, then it’s important to be tested for the condition. Read on to find out why.


The Connection Between Secondhand Smoke and Sleep Apnea in Kids

January 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — stopsnoringlawton @ 11:21 pm

child sleeping calmly and comfortablyIn times past, sleep apnea was considered to be more specific to adults. Recent data shows that its effects are broadening, as more children are now developing the condition. The most common form is obstructive sleep apnea in Lawton, which is also referred to as OSA. There is further evidence that secondhand smoke (SHS) can be a huge contributor to childhood development of OSA. As you continue reading, a local expert explains what the connection is between the two.


Why Taking Sleeping Pills for Sleep Apnea is a Very Bad Idea

December 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — stopsnoringlawton @ 9:03 pm

Sleeping PillsYou’ve been having trouble falling asleep lately, and even when you think you’ve slept all night, you still feel exhausted the next day. Maybe you’ve thought about using sleeping pills to make sure you’re getting enough rest. This might seem like a reasonable idea on the surface, but you need to be extremely cautious; if your sleep problems are the result of sleep apnea, sleeping pills in Lawton might lead to even worse problems. Read on to learn why you should stay away from sleep aids before you’ve had your sleep disorder diagnosed.


How Poor-Quality Sleep Can Make Diabetes Worse

November 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — stopsnoringlawton @ 3:13 pm

Checking blood sugarIf you’re living with type 2 diabetes, you need to be careful since you could be at risk for several other conditions, some of which could worsen the damage inflicted by your high blood sugar. In particular, you should watch out for sleep apnea; diabetic patients have almost a 50-50 chance of also suffering from this disorder. If you want to learn more about the link between diabetes and sleep apnea, keep reading.


Sleepless Nights? These 5 Tips Will Help You Rest Better!

August 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — stopsnoringlawton @ 1:08 am

woman smiling reading a bookThe quality of sleep you get at night plays a significant role in your overall health. Therefore, if there is something interrupting your rest, it’s important to stop and take notice. As you read on, learn 5 tips for a better night of sleep. In addition, you’ll discover some of the warning signs of sleep apnea in Lawton, and how the condition could be depriving you of the regenerative benefits of sleep.


Getting Used to an Oral Appliance for Sleep Apnea in Lawton

July 26, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — stopsnoringlawton @ 5:47 pm

Oral ApplianceIf sleep apnea in Lawton is keeping you from getting a good night’s rest, an oral appliance can be the perfect solution – but only if you wear it. Unfortunately, some patients give up on it early on, finding it too uncomfortable. This is a classic case of giving up too soon; with enough time, you’ll be able to wear your appliance much more comfortably. Here are some common problems patients experience while wearing a new oral appliance – and some tips for making the adjustment process easier!


Depression and Sleep Apnea in Lawton – Are They Related?

June 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — stopsnoringlawton @ 12:19 pm

woman upset with man snoringOver 22 million Americans are suffering from some form of sleep apnea. New research shows that failing to receive the quality sleep needed can lead to a host of problems, but is depression one of them? As you continue reading, your local dentist goes in-depth to provide an answer by explaining what sleep apnea in Lawton is as well as discussing the possible side effects. Armed with the right information, you’ll then be able to seek the care you need so you can flourish!


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